Are you a new user, just getting started with a AAA system? Are you looking to configure new services within your telco network? Or are you just curious to learn how the Service Management Engine within the AAA solution works, or what it is? We have got you covered with a video tutorial explaining how you can create a service on the example of mobile internet.

Service Management Engine (SME) is an integral part of OpenProvider AAA platform, that allows for the creation of telco services for different access technologies, through an intuitive user interface. The engine is powered by Open Functions, a low code pseudo language offering protocol-specific functions for RADIUS, LDAP and DHCP.
In the video blog tutorial we will explain how the SME can be used to create a custom logic for the provider’s mobile internet. After watching the video you will be able to:
- Write your own custom logic using SME for mobile internet
- Navigate through the OpenProvider application interface
- Understand the functions used to create the custom logic