How do we define Logate culture?

Every organization is different. Some may describe it as a machine, while some as just another complex, living organism. We like to view it as a living organism, and as any of that kind, it has its values, beliefs and culture. Here's how we define ours.

In Logate, we managed to define the basic values that describe us in the best way, and every day we encourage behaviors that are in line with these values.

Organizational culture can be defined as a set of dominant values that determine the work environment. It cannot be maintained by itself. In Logate, we managed to define the basic values that describe us in the best way, and every day we encourage behaviors that are in line with these values.

What are the main determinants of our culture?


Our passion for results is based on the desire to live our dreams, to be courageous and to make a step forward in the future through innovation in technology, through the way we work and through understanding the world around us.

We do the right things at the right time and always to the end. To accomplish this we work hard, but we know it is worth it. In different ways, employees are allowed to express their opinion and suggest changes, which is how they contribute to overall progress. We like to plan and define goals, encourage the initiative, achieve good results and share the benefits of success.

The competition is fine, but only when the employees compete with themselves, not with their colleagues.


We are in love with technology and we enjoy solving complex software problems.

We primarily try to understand processes behind the products we are working on. Our decisions are based on data, logical and rational analysis. We do the research on how technologies we use can improve our products. We are discussing everything and we are committed to staying up to date with new knowledge.

We are careful not to lose the sense for innovation – something that every company needs to nurture, in order to reach the next level, but also in order to survive.

Fun & social

We are not military. We are fulfilling our working hours with fun and enjoyment, and we believe that we are getting close to the ideal balance between work and fun. Although professionalism is our driving force, we know that we are not robots, so we are having fun whenever possible. We organize various joint activities and try to make everyone feel as the part of the community.

If you don’t like this kind of activity and don’t like the pace of the majority – you are free to follow your own pace.


Beauty will save the world. We are looking for creative solutions to problems, we explore and share ideas and concepts, interpret feelings and experiences. We encourage creativity and pay attention to how does the product look and feel. We support everyone to express their own personality. Unconventionality often comes as a refreshment!

Nevertheless, we try to remain discerning, realistic and, of course, profitable.

That’s our Logate Culture. If you share the same values with us, then we will surely make a good team.

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