Discover OpenMX

Budget-friendly, highly customizable software solution that turns email service into a leading profit center.
Trusted by telecoms, banks and other enterprise companies
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About OpenMX

OpenMX is a completely scalable, carrier email system that offers performance, security and stability to efficiently serve millions of users in enterprise settings.

Your new profit center with constant revenue growth

Endless possibilities of upselling, conducting marketing campaigns and placing products.

Safe start with our tried and true triple-win business model

Safe start with our tried and true triple-win business model.

Premium packages for your premium customers

If your customers demand more than basic service, you are ready to deliver.

Customized reports and metrics to help you navigate business decisions

Easily manage every detail of your business through our well-designed interface.

Complete solution: cloud, security, scalability and stability

Open source platform that allows you to run your business smoothly.

The product that we adjust to your specific needs

Tell us what you need to perform better and we will make sure you get it.

Meet Logate

We digitize your business processes for better employee and customer experience.


Years on the market

20+ million

User accounts managed daily
via Logate tools


Satisfied clients